2-Night And Day I Slave Away (Leporello)
3-You Better Kill Me Now (Anna, Giovanni, Leporello)
4-Leave Her Alone (Commander, Giovanni, Leporello)
5-Someone Help Me (Commander, Giovanni, Leporello)
6-My God, What is this? A(nna, Ottavio)
7-Go Away, Get Away (Anna, Ottavio)
8-(Recit) Leporello, Still Alive? (Giovanni, Leporello)
9-Who Can Help Me Find? (Elvira, Giovanni, Leporello)
10-(Recit) That Voice! (Elvira, Giovanni, Leporello)
11-The Almanac Of Fornication (Leporello)
12-(Recit) You've saved the day again, old friend (Giovanni, Leporello)
13-Give Me Your Hand, My Sweetness (Giovanni, Elvira)
14-(Recit) Don Giovanni! Thank Goodness We Found You (Ottavio, Giovanni, Elvira, Leporello, Anna)
15-(Recit) What the hell are you doing? (Anna, Ottavio)
16-Now You Know The Truth (Anna)
17-(Recit) I'm A Dead Man (Leporello, Giovanni)
18-Women And Laghter (Giovanni)
19-Act I Finale (Part 1) (Giovanni, Leporello, Elvira, Anna, Ottavio)
20-Act I Finale (Part 2) (Giovanni, Leporello, Elvira, Anna, Ottavio)
21-You Better Stop It (Giovanni, Leporello)
22-(Recit) Do You Know Why I Am Here? (Giovanni, Leporello)
23-Stand At Your Window (Giovanni, Elvira, Leporello)
24-(Recit) You There, Leporello! (Ottavio, Giovanni)
25-I Think That He Went This A-Way (Giovanni)
26-He Would Sing His Songs To Me (Elvira, Leporello, Ottavio, Anna)
27-(Recit) Don't You Dare You Judge Me (Anna, Elvira, Ottavio)
28-How Can I Comfort Her (Ottavio)
29-Night And Day I Sell My Soul (Leporello)
30-What Can I Do To Protect Him? (Elvira)
31-(Recit) Graveyard Sequence - (Giovanni, Leporello, Commander)
32-Oh, Statue of Benevolence (Giovanni, Leporello, Commander)
33-Get Out Of My Sight (Anna, Ottavio)
34-Does He See Me As A Monster? (Anna)
35-Act II Finale (Part 1) (Giovanni, Leporello)
36-Actt III Finale (Part 2) (Elvira, Giovanni, Leporello)
37-Act II Finale (Part 3) (Leporello)
38-Act II Finale (Part 4) (Commander, Giovanni, Leporello)
39-Act II Finale (Part 5) (Giovanni, Leporello, Chorus of Demons)